Archive of ‘snacks’ category

mocha cherry almond granola

mocha almond cherry granola @ cogs and cupcakes

I just can’t believe how easy it can be to make crunchy granola. I’ve always made granola that involved a bajillion ingredients and never turned out crunchy. And I don’t like soggy granola. Really, I don’t like anything soggy. Except for oreos. I let those babies soak in my {almond} milk until they’re totally soaked […]

rosemary flatbread crackers

rosemary flatbread crackers

Get your ridiculously cute tablespoon measurer out and impress your friends with homemade crackers. These take under 45 minute to make. And that’s two batches. From start to finish. What? And then everyone’s like “woah, homemade crackers?!” They’re like those flatbread crackers you buy but taste so much more…fresh. Duh. That was a terrible description. […]

banana caramel muffins

Banana Muffins

I’m going to come right out with it. I have a problem. I eat sweets, a LOT of sweets. Like, more than anyone I know. If you think you’ve got me beat, BRING IT. I’m up for the challenge. While Little Debbies have their place in this world (sometimes you just can’t beat a Zebra […]